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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Baul Kirtan written by Nabani Das Khyappa Baul

This is a Baul song, this is kirtan Vaishnava Kirtan (Baul) The poetry is by Nabani Das Khyapa Baul and it has been culturally appropriated so many times. The new Baul followers, use this song, then some unethical fake Bauls will say Baul does not care who wrote the poetry. Baul does care, it is part of the preservation to care and part of being a Baul to know. If it was anybody else's poetry Tagore or Kabir or whom ever, you would always say who wrote the poetry. These Bauls who do not say who wrote the poetry or the tune are cheaters.

The fake Bauls make up lineages, they dance Nabani Das Khyapa Baul style - Ektara Baya and Nupoor and like they made it up, they didn't their so called fake Baul Guru copied everything from this lineage, even copying Babu Kishan's designed Patch work dress and following them around the world. It is a big joke, this is the age of fake but people love that even though they do not understand the language but they like what looks like exotic? Age of stupid! Kali Yuga what is fake is seen as real and what is real is seen as fake?

Babukishan singing about Radha and Krishna... 

Be careful with Radha, she is waiting and Krishna is not showing up..Nabani Das is saying keep that love in your heart and keep the memory and time will pass and Krishna will be with you don't be upset, connection of Love.. relationship is like a mirror.. keep it carefully.. 

Think of the memory of Love then Love and Kishna are with you..REMEMBER.. Turn it up.. the sound is not the best.. and listen with your heart..